America, Day 16
Had a really good talk with my close friend last night, in which we discussed many things, some unprintable. It was humbling to discover that we humans, despite our many…
Had a really good talk with my close friend last night, in which we discussed many things, some unprintable. It was humbling to discover that we humans, despite our many…
Woke up early again. I know why I sleep less everyday now... no one's trying to kill me anymore! Whoo-hoo, score one for Captain Obvious! But honestly, though, it's a…
Woke up to...another attack of the past. I guess I should be happy it's coming up to be healed but at the same time it's kind of a drag. I'm…
America, Day 13 I foresee a long day of blogging and working on my site ahead. Also I may actually finishing watching Gundam Unicorn, especially as BQ has a nice…
America, Day 12 Woke up early because I slept early, starting writing more blog posts. These things don't write themselves! FInding it easier and easier to write now I'm getting…
Another fortuituous day, May Day. Time for church, which I was quite looking forwards to. I never thought the day would come that I would actually be LOOKING FORWARDS TO…
America, Day 10 Woke up to a beautiful morning and...more problems with the Internet. Sigh. Perhaps Wi-Fi really IS the bottom rung of Maslow's pyramid. It seems we can get…
Woke up early to some connectivity problems with the wi-fi. I guess I shouldn't assume it will work everywhere. Decided to continue writing in the absence of the Internet. More…
Woke up early again. So many things to doooooooooooooooo...ok, slow down, focus. One thing at a time. No Unicorn today, I have a long day ahead of me. Maybe like...half…
America, Day 7 Woke up to P asking me whether I would care to watch some lectures on cosmology with him. Would I ever! Or rather that was my intention…